Welcome to

St. Andrew’s

United Methodist Church

Our History

As with the founding of many churches, this one began to come together as a community Sunday School, which met in the local post office. After it outgrew two facilities, six local Spring Lake men formed a Board of Trustees with the intent to build a church. Two lots were donated by one of the trustees, John C. Lucas. On August 25, 1887, four months after the trustees met, a cornerstone was laid a the corner of West Lake and Forth Avenues. The current building was completed and dedicated debt-free in August of 1888 and was known originally as the First Methodist Episcopal Church of Spring Lake.

In the early years of the 1900’s, preachers wore “morning dress” which meant they wore striped trousers and a tailcoat. Only men served as clergy back then.

The first organ was a used, hand-pumped organ that stood floor level and was used until 1902. A motor driven Esty Organ was purchased with funds from home baked pies and cakes, socials, and musical teas. At that time, an enclosed loft was built to accommodate the organ and choir. Since no robes were worn, the lagies requested the solid front to the loft to protect their modesty.

The exterior of the church was of decorative cut cedar shingles. The interior is still the original chestnut. In the early church, the sole image of the cross was in the stained glass window at the rear of the sanctuary.

In the early days parking was not a problem and most people walked to church. Churches were small and so were the communities. After WWII, the winter population of Spring Lake was somewhere between 800 & 1,000 residents.

The need for Sunday School space had not really been addressed by the Philadelphia architect who designed the church. The story goes that the women of the community persuaded the trustees of the need for Sunday School space and $600 was given for constructing space under the sanctuary. By the mid-1920s, the Sunday School had outgrown the basement. Pre-school, primary, and younger elementary school children were occupying the entire space. Older children through high school met in the sanctuary for worship and then divided into classes in different parts of the sanctuary.

By this time, a kitchen in the lower level had established the use of this building as a community center. Church suppers, Men’s club dinners, meetings, and covered dish dinners were held. Christmas parties, complete with a tree and Santa who handed out hard candy to each child, are fondly remembered.

In 1950, classrooms in a new middle building were utilized. By 1966, Wesley Hall on the corner of Mercer and Fourth Avenues, had been built to accommodate the youth as well as church and community needs, adding modern kitchen space and a large multi-purpose room. It also became the main Sunday School building.

In 2007, the Memorial Garden and Labyrinth were added to the property between the sanctuary and Wesley Hall as a place for meditation and self-reflection. Along the pathway to the garden, pavers bear the names of loved ones, honoring those who have been a part of the church community or have left a lasting impact on the lives of family and friends. Benches encircling the labyrinth are similarly inscribed providing spaces to pause, reflect, and remember. The garden serves as a sacred place for quiet contemplation, connecting the past and present.

In September 2023, the United Methodist Women of St. Andrew’s officially opened a Thrift Store in the center building’s former nursery room. Proceeds from the store directly benefit the outreach missions of the UMW and the church, and items donated to the store were contributed by generous members of the congregation and the local community. The store was an instant success and has grown into rooms surrounding the nursery, offering a variety of women’s, men’s and kid’s clothing, jewelry, and shoes, assorted household items and decor, a small selection of children’s toys, and more.

Today, St. Andrew’s continues its legacy of service to the Spring Lake community and beyond. Throughout the year, the church hosts a variety of events, including rummage sales, bazaars, dinners, fundraisers, and local volunteer opportunities, fostering connection and community engagement. With an ever-evolving spirit and a commitment to meaningful change, we warmly invite all to join us—whether through worship, membership, or active participation in our mission. Whether you are a long-time resident, a seasonal visitor, or new to the area, St. Andrew’s offers a welcoming place of fellowship and faith for all.