Sunday Worship

St. Andrew’s Church Sanctuary

The entrance to the Sanctuary is located on the corner where 4th Avenue meets Warren Avenue.

Parking is allowed on each surrounding street,
subject to local signage.

4th Ave - Mercer Ave - Warren Ave - West Lake Drive

Accessible parking is available on Warren Ave.
Our facility offers a chair lift for those needing assistance reaching the sanctuary, located at the entrance on the driveway facing Warren Ave. A manual wheelchair is provided inside for convenient use during services.

9:30 am


Worship Structure:

* indicates you should stand if you are able

*Opening Hymn
*Call to Worship
*Greeting One Another with the Love of Christ
Community Prayer
Sunday School Message**

Proclamation and Response
Prayer of Illumination
Psalter Lesson
Gospel Lesson
Offering of Gifts during Offering Anthem
*Offertory Prayer

Intercessions for the Church and World
Intercessory Prayer
The Lord’s Prayer

Sending Forth
*Closing Hymn
*Choral Amen

** when children are present/Sunday school is in session